Before you dive into the myriad of available marketing strategies, it’s vital to have your positioning dialled in.

Why? Because understanding where you stand in the market and how you differ from the competition sets the stage for every marketing message you send out.

For those who feel their consultancy might be rushing into 'more marketing' without this clarity, our previous discussion in this article offers a deeper exploration into why getting your positioning right is critical.

Here, we delve into five effective growth marketing strategies for consultancies aiming to expand their customer base and enhance their market presence.


Try your hand at lumpy mail

One of the most unconventional yet effective marketing strategies to consider is Lumpy Mail. This approach involves sending physical, dimensional mail that stands out in a pile of flat envelopes—quite literally.

The surprise and curiosity sparked by receiving something unique in the mail makes this strategy a perfect example of 'zigging' when everyone else in digital marketing is 'zagging.' For an in-depth exploration of Lumpy Mail, catch up on our expert session on this innovative marketing strategy.


Leverage LinkedIn's Sales Navigator

As a stronghold for B2B networking and marketing, particularly for consultancies, LinkedIn is a crucial platform for engaging with potential customers. Its structured environment is ideal for reaching decision-makers within your target market.

To leverage LinkedIn effectively, consider using Smart Links in your posts and messages, which allow you to track who clicks on your content, enhancing your ability to measure engagement and optimise your marketing efforts.


Effective email newsletters

Possessing a robust email list is like having a gold mine of potential. Email marketing allows you to control your narrative and messaging directly to your audience without the interference of algorithm changes or platform policies. One effective way to leverage this channel is by sending regular newsletter-style updates, which can help position your consultancy as a trustworthy source.

Here are three ways to ensure your emails hit home with prospects:

1. Position yourself as knowing more than they do

Not in every case! Sometimes you’ll need to lean on your network for their advice and knowledge. But, in the case of your specialism, your audience needs to believe that you have authority.

  • Share how you got here. What’s your background? What experience do you have? How many people or businesses have you helped?
  • What are you doing that proves you’re an expert in your field? Do you run a popular podcast? Are you speaking at an industry event?
  • Have you cultivated a positive reputation with certain networks?
  • Do you receive legitimate awards and recognitions for your commitment to your industry? I don’t mean the ones you pay for, but have you genuinely been nominated for being a thought leader or expert?


2. Position yourself as being in high demand

Your prospects need to feel like your clients are part of something exciting, that they’re not… yet!

  • Share social proof of recent client stories, testimonials and quantifiable results
  • Share business wins e.g. a growing or new cohorts, a growing workforce to keep up with capacity, an office upgrade as a result of a profitable few years
  • Share the tale of a challenge or opportunity that a client brought to you recently, that others may relate to.


3. Position yourself as someone they care for

People do business with people. Behind every great business is an even greater team of people. And it’s the people that people buy into.

  • Show vulnerability, share things going on in your personal life, be an open book
  • Be honest, it will make you more relatable
  • Use video - a greater connection is built when prospects can see your face doing the talking.

By focusing on these strategic positioning elements within your newsletters, you not only keep your audience engaged but also build a strong, authoritative presence in your industry. This approach is vital for nurturing lasting relationships and encouraging business growth. Effective email marketing can significantly improve conversion rates by keeping your consultancy relevant and engaged with your customer lifetime.


CRM implementation

Incorporating a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can transform your marketing from good to great. A CRM system helps track all customer interactions, tailor marketing campaigns, and streamline lead nurturing processes. It’s particularly beneficial in segmenting your audience and personalising communications to increase engagement and conversions.

Benefits of using a CRM:

  • Enhanced customer data management: CRMs help organise customer data effectively, making it easier to follow up on leads and understand customer behaviours.
  • Automated marketing workflows: Automate routine tasks to ensure no leads slip through the cracks and that each customer receives timely, relevant communications.
  • Targeted campaigns: Use the detailed insights gathered by the CRM to design marketing campaigns that are highly targeted and tailored to the needs of specific customer segments.

Copper recommends looking for a CRM that is easy to adopt. If your team dislikes using your CRM, and doesn't keep customer information up-to-date, your marketing strategies may not be as impactful.

Better yet, video and CRM tools were the number one and two enablers of success according to HubSpot in 2021. And on that note… the next strategy looks at how video marketing can accelerate consultancy growth.


Video marketing

Video content has surged in popularity and effectiveness, becoming essential in any modern marketing strategy. Videos can help demonstrate your consultancy’s expertise and share client testimonials in a format that’s more engaging than text. In fact, nearly 90% of visitors to your page who see a video will stay longer than those who see text alone.

Start integrating video into your blogs, emails, and social media platforms to enhance your message's impact and reach. Video is also the easiest format to repurpose into other types of content.

A single video can be transformed into blog posts, infographics, podcasts, or even a series of social media posts, maximising your content's reach.



Implementing these marketing strategies for growth not only increases your visibility but also solidifies your reputation as a leader in the consultancy sector. As you continue to grow your client base, remember that each strategy should be adapted to align with your unique market positioning and business objectives.