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Position for Growth is a world’s first and the only programme designed specifically to help consultancies differentiate themselves in a marketplace cluttered with copycats, and articulate their proposition in a consistent, compelling and hugely attractive way.




You if you’re struggling with:
  • Being unable to articulate the value you and your consultancy offers
  • Grabbing and retaining the attention of great-fit prospects
  • Convincing prospects that your solution is superior to other consultancies
  • Commanding premium prices for your services
  • Scaling with consistency
  • Retaining and nurturing relationships with existing clients
  • Less-than-healthy profit margins, as a result of competing on price
Our process



The first step is to delve deep into your buyer's world, understanding their challenges, needs, and aspirations. We also map the competitive landscape in your sector, pinpointing prevalent language and positions. This foundation ensures we craft a distinct stance for you, setting you apart in subsequent stages of our journey.


This stage is where the real magic happens. In 'Differentiate', we unveil six powerful strategies to set your consultancy apart, without resorting to price wars or high-tech gimmicks. While we introduce all six, mastering just one can redefine your edge and generate a torrent of attention. 


In the final phase, we help to activate your distinct positioning, crafting compelling messages that captivate ideal buyers wherever they engage. You'll emerge with a Positioning Proclamation - a handy guide - and a strategically deployed message across all prospect touchpoints, complemented by a swift activation campaign.
price-increase-positioning Our client KAE were able to 4x their initial project value with a new client after using the outputs of our positioning work together 90-conversion-positioning growth-rate-positioning 600k-pipeline-positioning


"Clearly defining and communicating the company's value proposition has helped align and motivate the internal team, especially the newer employees. The clarity we gained on our messaging, and our unique process was invaluable."

Doug Dedman, President, DBM Systems


"Within a short period of implementing TGO’s approach, we secured a major new client in the US – our first in years. This initial project was valued at four times the size of our average first engagements. We also used our new positioning strategy with an existing client who had a ‘strict’ £50,000 budget. By showing the value of our more in-depth discovery phases, we were able to convince them to expand the scope by £25,000, increasing the project budget by 50%.”

Anna Pantazi, Managing Director, KAE


"The team are really motivated by the new positioning - it's refreshing for them to see the company from new perspectives and this sort of pattern-interrupt is exactly what we needed. Thanks for your expert assistance - great work!"

Matt Atkinson, Chief Innovation Officer, Waymark


"The TGO differentiation process unpacked and reassembled our proposition to focus on our core value and differentiators, leading to formation of a unique strap line and positioning that has underpinned our growth for the last 2 years.

NextWave has a CAGR of 185% over our first three years and our differentiated position has been a key factor in our success."

Tony Clark, CEO, NextWave


"The barrier to entry for consulting firms has all but disappeared over the past decade. Matt has put together the definitive guide to positioning to win in and amongst a category that’s harder than ever for potential prospects to navigate."

Jacob Dutton, Co-Founder, Future Foundry

BooK A

Interested in seeing how your consultancy
stacks up in the positioning stakes?
Book a 15-minute call with our team.


We’re not a branding agency. We’re not about the surface level appearance of your consultancy, and we certainly couldn’t care less about your font or colour scheme. It’s important stuff, but ugly can still sell when well differentiated. 

We’re also not a marketing agency. So we don’t do websites, and we won’t write your next lead generating ebook. We used to be in that space, so if that’s what you’re after we’ll be more than happy to make an intro.

But as the world’s only growth positioning consultancy, positioning is all that we do. Without great positioning and a message that wows, you’re wasting marketing budget on a rebrand that no one sees or a webinar that no one attends.

So, if you'd like to articulate your proposition with differentiated finesse, spend 15 minutes talking with our team at the button below.


What is the business case for investing in positioning and differentiation?
A well-defined position reduces buyer resistance, allows you to charge higher fees, and shortens the sales cycle. Many of our clients, including management, strategy, culture and digital transformation consultancies, have doubled their revenue, halved their sales cycles and significantly increased contract values as a result of our work.

Who are your typical clients?
Our clients are solo, micro and boutique consultancies, specialising in areas like management, strategy, culture, digital transformation and data. They often seek to differentiate themselves in a crowded market, increase their fees and secure more high-value clients.

How does your consultancy approach positioning? What’s the methodology & process?
We follow our MEHscapology™️ methodology, which starts with an in-depth analysis of the buyer-proposition match and competitive landscape. Through a co-creative process, we then craft a new market position and set of core messages designed to attract more high-value clients. The final activation phase ensures that the entire team and all marketing assets are aligned with the new positioning, presenting a consistent and compelling message to the market.

How do you help consultancies manage the risk of a failed positioning strategy?
Our co-creation process involves all key stakeholders, ensuring buy-in and alignment from the outset. We rigorously test positioning ideas against market feedback and your business strategy to mitigate risks and ensure that the final position resonates with your target audience.

What is your experience in the consultancy industry?
We have worked with a wide range of consultancies, including those in management, strategy, digital transformation and data. Our most successful clients have seen dramatic growth in revenue, faster sales cycles and increased average contract values, with far less resistance to pricing.

How do you measure the success of a positioning project?
Success is measured through tangible outcomes like revenue growth, shortened sales cycles, improved client acquisition and increased fees. Clients often report new growth opportunities within weeks of completing the positioning process.

How long does a typical engagement with your consultancy last?
Our typical engagements last between 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the complexity of the positioning challenges. During this time, we work closely with your team to ensure the final position is not only compelling but also actionable.

What sets your consultancy apart?
We differentiate on a number of core factors across your solution, language (market perception) and offer (deal structure and features). Our MEHscapology™️ methodology ensures that every aspect of your consultancy, from marketing to product development, is aligned to attract high-value clients.

What is the pricing structure for your services?
Our pricing is tiered depending on the depth and duration of the engagement. We offer packages ranging from £5k to £15k, each designed to meet different levels of complexity and support.

How do you ensure stakeholder involvement during the positioning process?
We engage all key stakeholders from the start, ensuring their input and buy-in throughout the process. This helps create a final position that not only resonates with the market but is fully supported by your team.

How do you approach resistance to change during and after the intervention?
We address resistance through a transparent co-creation process and quick wins that demonstrate the value of the new positioning. Our activation phase also ensures that the entire team is aligned and confident in the new direction.

What ongoing support do you offer after the initial positioning work?
We provide ongoing tactical guidance to ensure that your new positioning remains relevant and actionable. We also offer support through the final activation phase, helping you realise new growth opportunities within weeks.

To gRoW?

Are you ready to start
doubling your consultancy's revenues?
Book some time with Matt to see how we can help.