
HubSpot's Content Hub and Marketing+: A game-changer for consultancies

Written by Matt Hodkinson | May 22, 2024 11:08:23 AM

HubSpot, a leader in marketing, sales, and service software, has recently launched two innovative products: the Content Hub and Marketing+. These offerings are set to revolutionise the way consultancies approach their marketing strategies, leveraging the power of AI and technology to enhance consistency, automate processes, and provide detailed reporting for tracking ROI. This article explores the key features and benefits of these products, particularly focusing on their potential to amplify marketing efforts for consultancies.


The Power of HubSpot’s Content Hub

The Content Hub is designed to simplify and enhance the content creation process. It offers a suite of tools that streamline content production, ensuring that businesses can produce high-quality, engaging content consistently. Here’s a closer look at the features that make the Content Hub a must-have for consultancies and the challenges they address:


1. AI blog post generator

The AI blog post generator eliminates the hassle of content creation by generating topics, titles, targeted keywords, and outlines. This tool helps overcome writer's block, enabling consultancy marketers to focus on refining ideas and producing polished content. The commercial impact is significant, as more frequent, high-quality content enhances online presence and thought leadership.


2. AI image generator

Visual content is crucial for engagement, but creating it can be time-consuming and require specific skills. The AI image generator enables users to create and edit images that perfectly match their content, making it easier to maintain a visually appealing and cohesive brand image across all channels. This addresses the challenge of resource allocation and ensures a professional visual presence.


3. Landing pages & forms

Creating landing pages and forms with drag-and-drop editors addresses the challenge of capturing valuable visitor data efficiently. These tools enhance the lead generation process by making it simple to create high-converting pages; driving higher engagement and more leads for consultancies. This translates to a more robust sales pipeline and higher conversion rates.


4. Smart content

Personalisation is key in today’s marketing landscape. The smart content feature tailors website experiences based on CRM data, ensuring that visitors see content most relevant to them. For instance, you can automatically display the most relevant and effective CTA’s based on live CRM data, without the help of a designer. You can even personalise the imagery and content on your website by verticals or other segments. The result? A 99% increase in inbound leads after 6 months. So this level of personalisation not only boosts engagement and conversion rates, but addresses the challenge of delivering the right message to the right audience and improving customer satisfaction.


5. Content library

Managing content assets at scale can be daunting. The Content Library acts as a central repository for all digital assets, making it easier to manage and distribute content. The new features allow you to drive engagement with existing customers by offering private access via login to additional content or exclusive digital assets like audio files, videos, PDF’s and more. This level of efficiency allows consultancy leaders to streamline prospect and customer access, ultimately saving time and reducing the risk of errors.


Marketing+: The future of automated marketing

Marketing+ builds on the robust capabilities of the Marketing Hub, offering advanced features that automate marketing efforts and enhance reporting capabilities. Collectively, the features in Marketing+ directly contribute to a 73% more productive marketing team. Here’s how Marketing+ can benefit consultancies, addressing common challenges and highlighting the commercial impact:


1. Email marketing tools

Crafting personalised emails is streamlined with AI-powered tools that automatically tailor emails to each recipient, and allow you to create beautiful emails without design or IT bottlenecks. This feature ensures that communication remains personal and relevant at scale, which can significantly increase open and conversion rates, directly impacting revenue and client engagement.


2. Segmentation tools

Effective segmentation is crucial for targeted marketing. Marketing+ offers tools that create precise audiences based on real-time data, ensuring that marketing messages are relevant and impactful. This precision helps in targeting the right audience; improving engagement and reducing wasted marketing efforts, leading to better resource utilisation.


3. Simple automation

Automating repetitive tasks saves time and reduces errors. Simple automation features in Marketing+ help nurture leads, send internal notifications, and route qualified leads to sales seamlessly. This allows consultancy marketers to focus on strategic priorities and reducing operational costs, instead of fixing manual, error-prone processes!


4. Campaign management

Managing and collaborating on campaigns from a central location enhances efficiency. The Campaign Management tools in Marketing+ allow firms to engage audiences with cohesive campaigns and optimise them based on real-time performance insights. This integrated approach ensures that campaigns are more effective and impactful, leading to improved campaign ROI.


5. Custom reporting

Understanding the impact of marketing efforts is crucial. Marketing+ offers detailed analytics and custom reporting, providing insights into what’s working and what’s not. Customers using reporting close 8x more deals than those who don’t. This data-driven approach helps consultancy leaders make informed decisions, optimise strategies, and demonstrate ROI to stakeholders; enhancing transparency and accountability.


6. Multi-touch revenue attribution

Proving the impact of marketing on revenue is simplified with multi-touch attribution models. This feature assigns credit to various marketing tactics, helping consultancies understand which actions contribute to revenue growth and make strategic adjustments accordingly. This clarity can lead to better allocation of resources and improved overall performance.


Amplifying marketing efforts with AI and technology

HubSpot’s Content Hub and Marketing+ are well-positioned to help consultancies harness the power of AI and technology in their marketing efforts. Here’s how these tools can make a significant difference:


1. Consistent quality content

The AI-powered tools ensure that content is consistently high-quality and aligned with the firm’s brand voice. This consistency builds trust with audiences and reinforces expertise and professionalism.


2. Automation and systemisation

Automating repetitive tasks frees up valuable time and resources, allowing consultancy marketers to focus on high-impact activities. Systemisation ensures that processes are streamlined and efficient, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall productivity.


3. Enhanced reporting and ROI tracking

Detailed reporting and analytics provide insights into the performance of marketing efforts. Consultancies can track ROI more effectively, identify the best-performing channels and tactics, and allocate resources where they will have the most impact.


4. Personalised customer experiences

Personalisation tools ensure that marketing messages are tailored to the audience’s needs and preferences. This personalised approach enhances engagement, builds stronger relationships, and increases the likelihood of conversion.


5. Scalable solutions

Both the Content Hub and Marketing+ are designed to scale with the business. Whether a consultancy is small or large, these tools can be adapted to meet your firm’s needs, ensuring that marketing efforts are scalable and sustainable.



The recent launch of HubSpot’s Content Hub and Marketing+ represents a significant advancement in marketing technology. These tools offer consultancies the ability to create high-quality content consistently, automate marketing processes, and gain valuable insights through detailed reporting. By leveraging AI and technology, consultancies can amplify their marketing efforts, achieve better results, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Having witnessed the power of Content Hub and Marketing+ first hand, I can confidently say that the potential of these tools is immense, and their fit for the consultancy business model is unrivalled in the MarTech space. They provide the means to enhance marketing strategies, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately drive business growth. Explore how these innovative solutions can transform your marketing efforts and integrate seamlessly into your business strategy for optimal results.

If you’re thinking about getting HubSpot, are in the process of joining, or already have it but would like to learn more about how to make it work better for your consultancy, let’s schedule a time to discuss…